3 month Mentorship Application Process

Step 1: Read first

You must read the text below in entirety before applying for the mentorship.

In entering a 3 month mentorship with Laura, know that you’re stepping into a container for the entire period. Not only in the sessions, but also in your day to day life. The parts of your subconscious that have been repressed and start having light shined upon them will activate throughout your life. Sometimes this can appear as though things are getting “worse” as they unravel. This is a natural part of the process as you start bringing awareness and love to the nagging patterns, thoughts and rejected parts within yourself.  

This is why she only works with people who are truly committed, understanding that at times it may feel confronting and challenging. You must be ready to use the raw substance of your life and what arises to aid you in this journey. Seeing it as all connected, rather than separate.


Step 2: Fill out the application form


Step 3: Book a discovery call

Click the Book Now button below to schedule a free 30 min discovery call. On the call we’ll determine if we’re a good fit, in resonance with each other and it’s a mutual alignment.


What happens next?

At the end of our discovery call, if there is mutuality in working together, you’ll be able to purchase the mentorship. After the call and after your purchase, you will be sent a link to schedule 6x 1:1 sessions.

* Note all sessions must be booked within a 3 month period, if you don’t book your sessions in this time frame they will be forfeited.