Radical Discontinuity - The Dark reset button

Radical discontinuity reflects a sharp sudden disruption between what use to be and what is now, implying usually a no coming back.

It reveals as an abrupt shot of awareness of the non-linear reality, the chaotic magic that lives at the core of life, an unexpected dismantlement of the illusion of secure eternity…


Those breaches of perceptions are induced by unexpected circumstances such as the death of a loved one, a break-up, losing a job, being deported from a country, being arrested, having a car accident… Any unpredicted and/or rapid changing situations that would provoke a shock, a short-circuit of the mental projected screen.


Those precious moments of usually painful reality check, as uncomfortable and disorienting as they are, are limbo gates of stillness and emptiness between loops of time and space, between inhalation and exhalation, between chapters of existence, eras, civilizations; necessary dark fuel of evolution, a reset button of life.


Now imagine that this moment of linear disturbance would be repeated over and over again so that nothing could be predicted any longer. The sudden “dysfunction” would create space for the chaotic order of magic to become not only undeniable but also prevalently visible and conscious.


It is on a collective scale of humanity that we are currently experiencing a prolonged state of radical discontinuity with the Covid pandemic that is going on since early 2020 and its oppressive socio-political consequences so that the illusion of the world as it was is derisively attempted to be restored.


It won’t.


Let’s make peace with it, and give consent to this limbo state in which we are collectively propelled, to do its work: EMPTYING!

Dissolving grasping reminiscences of secure attachments to an obsolete world, to an out-dated version of individuated and disconnected way of living, to an altered vision of life principles…


The control reinforcements and fear spread that we are going through on a world scale within the pandemic crisis is to humanity what our mental defences and attempt to stay and recreate past realities are to a human being when it hits radical discontinuity.


In this in between state, there is NOTHING.

It is terrifying, and,

It is normal.

It is an interruption of linear activity, of predictable speculations, an empty space from only which new life can emerge.


It takes consent,

It takes stillness,

It takes trust.


“A condition of complete simplicity, costing nothing less than everything” – T.S. Eliot


Anyone who has been repeatedly exposed to radical discontinuities has not only built resilience to face the principle of death, but has also develop a capacity to be woven more consciously and easefully by the chaotic magic of life emergence.


On the other side of the terrifying surrender to uncertainty there is freedom.

A freedom that can’t be given or taken away,

The unshakable Freedom to be.




As I sit in the bed in which my grandmother died a month ago, in isolation in the south of Italy, suddenly breathed out from New Zealand, a country I was so attached to stay in, totally jet lagged 3 days after landing, surrounded by covid cases in the village and the palpable feeling of fear around…


I feel still…


Within the motion of never lasting emotions

Within the flood of distracting ideas

Within the earthquakes of failing attempts to have the next step sorted…


In this stillness, there is nothing; no drive, no desire, no fear.


I am available

I am free

Dec 2021


Soul Fierceness


I’ve said NO for 10 years, until I didn’t need to anymore…