The SELF-LOVE thing...


I hated that word for so long (of course)!

I understood the word, the concept, but it took so much more to really land in the core of my cells.

For long, I tried to « do » the self-love, you know, taking yourself out on a date, go for a massage or to the spa, do shopping or eat an ice cream, writing myself love letters, take a milk bath with rose petals… All beautiful things to do but somehow it didn’t really work on the long run. In fact, rather than self-love, that “doing the Love to myself” was just a way to validate my mind’s desires.

Never I thought that what would really crack me open was including everything I was ever fighting against, excluding, perceiving as not being me.

One of my best allies has been the conscious choice to co-exist with an autoimmune disorder.

The constant choice not to fight, not to push against, but to welcome, include and listen to that expression of the Self through the body creates so much more space within me, that I rediscover myself in every moment from an inner perception.

So many melodies the body has to sing, so many sensations, feelings… It is a mesmerising reality to live from!

How could I ever be bored of perceiving from within the body?

The more I surrender to all I want to fight, the more I open, expanding the inner space permeably. The Self becomes spacious, bathing into the freed flow of ecstasy.

No needs of external validations of the love for the Self.

The Self is Love…

Lately I spend so much time with myself, deeply listening and floating into this exquisite body. Never has it feel so good, so beautiful, so delicious! And it is nothing about the way it looks like from outside, but indeed from how it feels from that spacious inner reality.

Nothing to do…
Nowhere to go…

Ecstasy is constantly running through the space and movement that each breath creates in the body.


Long Term Soul Contract


Non Dual Dream