The Taboo of Food

So many insights and mental clarity came from my 3rd initiation into dry fasting. Every time is a totally new experience!

It’s the first time that I’ve felt so connected with the rivers and the waters of this planet and the imperative need for humanity not to take our waters for granted, starting with the one we drink!

Also this new program that maybe I should have called "I eat & drink Love" came as a loud soul calling for people to gather around this taboo topic that is our relationship to food.

I didn't even know there would be a bigger taboo than s3x in this life, but the last decade has sorted or at least largely turned that taboo into almost normality leaving space for other areas to emerge from the shadow.

Also I've never realised the extent of how connected our shame of eating or not eating is linked to our denial of our planet's pollution. Because we are so disconnected from our bodies, we don't even really question why and how we eat from there, we only question it from social conditioning. Then how could we even expand that awareness to the planet and taking responsibility for it, it's too much of a jump of awareness.

I’ve realized lately how much experience (sometimes extreme) and wisdom I’ve accumulated during this life on these topics and I’ve barely shared it with the world unlike many other topics that I have shared openly. 

I felt shame and vulnerability exposing the many failures, the fractal wounds, the vulnerability of the love and hate relationship with my body, and the shadows that were revealing to me layers after layers along this path.

By sharing with you my personal story and my insights I don't intend in any ways to preach a lifestyle neither to tell you what to do or not to do, what to eat or not to eat.

My intention is to bring awareness to a topic that every human being that eats food can relate to, to some extent. 

I want to open a window of awareness and a conversation on our relationship to food, inspiring a self-enquiry on our food habits and going a little deeper, just over the edge of where we’ve stopped our awareness.

Awareness in what we eat, why we eat, what's underneath our choice to eat or not to eat or what we eat. We ARE what we eat, so not being aware of our eating patterns is not being aware of ourselves

There are so many collective conditionings around food that are engrained so deeply within us that it is most often easier to ignore and refute possible different perspectives than break down those mental and emotional conditionings.

Most of the time (if not 80% of the time) when we say that we are hungry what we are actually saying is:

“I am bored”

“I am scared”

“I feel unloved”

“I am agitated”

“I need comfort”

“I am overwhelmed”

“I want to feel that I belong”

“I don’t want to feel the emptiness within me” etc…


Nature. Magic. New Zealand


Touch From The Void