Touch is the Mother Tongue of Love


As I just received a a massage devoid of presence here in Bali, it makes me reflect once again on the human pathology around touch.

It left me as relaxed as if I had been padded like a dog for 90 min but with a sense of nostalgia from a failed tentative to return to wholeness and intimate reconnection I know my cells remember.

Touch is the mother tongue of Love!

In the same way that the deeper understanding of Love is mainly distorted in the current human consciousness, the approach of touch is just as much.

We remember those precious first moments of life in which we were embraced by those giant hands, arms, bodies, that embraced and held all of us without any intention, without the body cleavage that will soon be anchored.

We long to feel again in the body through that divine stroke of non intentionality that we are perfect as we are, that we are responded to, from the universe's echo whispering the song of pure Love into every of our cells.

A touch that perfectly responds, that merges into what exists instead of a touch that wants to take or to induce a certain response.

Touch is the mother tongue of love…


Touch From The Void


Through the Archetypes