Body Secrets

Online Course (enrol anytime)

Do you only feel mildly satisfied with your life and keep your unused potential locked away in your heart of hearts?

Do you fear of being rejected or cast aside whenever you try to discover the most sacred and lost secrets about your body?

Have you forgotten how to listen to and honour your body’s most natural and erotic desires in order to fulfil its most authentic liberated expression?

Your sexuality and true erotic innocence lies caged within the chamber of your repressed emotions, and you seem to have lost the key. You know that unleashing your raw sexual energy will give you a new sense of fulfilment and purpose, yet you suppressed your desire to unlock it, in order to comply with the ‘so-called’ standards of ‘decency’.

Even though it’s a natural human desire to love to our fullest, both emotionally and physically, we rarely harness our maximum sexual potential.

Your sex may have fire and passion, but it lacks deep melted intimacy with yourself.

You want to give your body what it desires, but you have forgotten how to listen to its subtlety. So, despite wanting to expand your connection to your body, you may rely on external sources of pleasure such as our partners to take you to your sexual euphoria.

But what if there was another way?

What if all you needed was…. YOU? Your full presence and occupancy in your home, your temple, your body!

BODY SECRETS is an aptly named online course that can help you unlock your innate erotic essence.

Learn to experience pleasure in ways you could only imagine before.

Regardless of whether you are giver or receiver, man or woman, single or a couple, you can discover your forgotten “body secrets” via this unique, detailed online course that has come from a sexual and spiritual embodied life-time and that was designed specifically for people like you!

From having lasting orgasms to finding a rejuvenated sense of purpose, Body Secrets is destined to radically enhance your life in all areas.


“I’m a bodyworker and I joined Body Secrets to learn and practice Tantra and deepen intimacy with Self and my clients. The course content is really in depth and explained in a way that makes it easy to understand and implement. I learnt so much and will continue rewatching as there’s so much gold! I enjoyed being able to go through it at my own pace and in my own time.”

- Stephanie Avis, Brisbane - Australia


Who this is for:

  • People wanting to deepen their connection to the body’s wisdom 

  • Couples who are desiring more intimacy

  • Anyone wanting to increase their capacity and experience of self-intimacy

  • Bodyworkers and practitioners wanting to deepen their craft

BODY SECRETS includes:

  • 15 lecture videos, that go to great lengths to divulge the secrets that can help you claim full control of your body, and reach unprecedented levels of sexual potential.  

  • Guided exercises you can do by yourself or with your partner. These exercises can take you to your erotic utopia; a place you knew existed, but didn’t know how to go there.

  • Male and female self-pleasuring demonstrations given by a Daka and a Dakini. These demonstrations will help you connect with your primal erotic senses. Prepare to engage in euphoric self-pleasuring experiences. 

  • Step-by-step yoni and lingam massage demonstration. These massages can help you communicate with your body, heal stored traumas and give you access to ecstatic self-intimacy you’ve always dreamt about.


"I'm suffering from extreme anxiety and flight-or-flight response during intimacy which obviously isn't great and I'm hoping Body Secrets can allow me to tap into the present moment and feel from my body more.
Interestingly, I made it about 4 minutes into the first meditation with my partner before tears and uncontrollable crying swept over me.
It was amazing! I think surrendering to the sensation of letting go unblocked some deep emotions I've been carrying around.
I'm looking forward to continuing!”

- Paul, Auckland - New Zealand





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Ongoing and upcoming events:


Ecstatic Menopause