Navigating Rites of passage - for the ISTA Podcast

Initiation is an unavoidable part of life. We’re constantly being initiated into new experiences, whether we like it or not. Sometimes we thrive in these experiences, but sometimes they can be traumatic. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop in the process. What a dedicated space for initiation can provide is a way to go through important rites of passage deliberately, powerfully, and with the attentive support of a community…

Laura Deva, who is a ISTA + Highden Temple facilitator and psychotherapist, illuminates this on our show. In conversation with Simon, she explores the differences and similarities between therapeutic spaces and spaces of initiation.

Some of the topics Laura touches on are:
- Getting stuck on ‘loop’ when life is giving you an initiation
- The importance of resolution and integration
- The power of group processes
- The element of surprise
- Letting our bodies guide us
- Reaching out for help

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